Monday, November 17, 2014

This week's writing-- OPTIONAL!!

Writing Assignment - OPTIONAL FOR THIS WEEK!!!

  • Write about making beeswax lip balm!
  • It's almost Thanksgiving!  Write a story about a thankful little bee.  :-)

Thursday, November 6, 2014

For November 12!

Writing Assignment:

Choose 1--
  1. Remember the book "The Very Greedy Bee"?  Write your own version of the story!
  2. In the book, the bee was not very nice to his friends.  What made him change in the end?  Can you think of a time someone was greedy?  What happened?
  3. Write about the different stages in a bee's life (egg, larvae, pupa, adult).
  4. Come up with a story of a bee as it wait in his or her cell to hatch!  

Sunday, November 2, 2014

For Wednesday, 11/5

Writing assignment!

Choose 1:

  • Remember the story that we read about the bee and the bug?  They had a very hard time finding two costumes that went together... and we very frustrated!  Write about a time when you were frustrated.  What did you do to make it better?

  • Remember the story that we read about the bee and the bug?  They had a very hard time finding two costumes that went together... and we very frustrated! Write a letter to a friend who is very frustrated.  She needs your advice!  What could you tell her that could help her to feel better?  Is there anything she can do to make it better or worse?

  • In class, we learned how bees tell if other bees are from their colony.  Write a story about a bee who meets another bee!

For those who want to learn more....


Websites on Bee Anatomy

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Pig Workshop / Week 2

Your Writing Assignment for next week!

Choose ONE
  • Did you like the story of Perfect, the pig?  Why or why not?  Explain.
  • Write a story with the title "The Tiniest Piglet"
  • Write about things that pigs need.  (We learned about it in class!)

Think about the following terms:
  • Herbivore
  • Carnivore
  • Omnivore

Here is a website with information on each.

If you'd like, you can play these games!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Pig Workshop / Week 1

 For next week, please choose one of the following to write about:
  • Write about something else that Pig and Bug from our story could have done together to have fun!   Bring it in to share with the class.
    • Parents-- Younger kids can use this as an opportunity to write their best sentence, or if they have a lot to say, they can even dictate it to you.  This is not meant to be a stressor, just a positive reinforcement for whatever the level they need!
    • Older kids, you can write as much as you'd like about more things they tried to do that worked or didn't work!
  •  Write a story about Daisy the Pig!  Bring it in to share with the class!

If you did not have a 3-ring binder in class, try to bring it to the next one!  We'll collect all of our work and keep it in this.

  • Handwriting sheet reviewing the pig terms we learned in class.

Here is Daisy when she was a tiny piglet!

Daisy liked to sleep with my girls every night... until she got too big!

Here is the time that Daisy got into the pecans that were in a bucket in my living room.  What a MESS!

 Here are some links with more information about pigs!  Check them out if you'd like!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Rabbit Games!

Hi, class! 

There is no writing assignment for the week... but here are some fun rabbit themed games you can play!

Fly Away Rabbit (follow the instructions... it's tricky, but FUN!)
Simple Math Games
Rabbit Decimal Game

For next week:
  • Bring a lunch that does not require a microwave, and that can be eaten outdoors.  
  • Dress in good shoes for walking.
  • If you would like to bring a snack/dessert to share, that would be fine.  (No Stress!!!)
  • Everyone needs a water bottle or drink!

I will be giving each student a cd of pictures from the year.  However, I want to add pictures from next week's class!  If it's alright, I would love to compile them and somehow get them to each of you after the completion of next week's class.  I just know I'll have more cute pictures to add next Tuesday!

Same pick-up and drop-off times as always!

See you soon!


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Bunny Workshop 2 : Things to do by 4/30

 Here are some websites to learn more information about rabbits!


Think about the story that we read in class, "The Forgotten Bunny".  In your writing assignment, give advice to someone who is thinking of buying a rabbit as a pet.  Help them understand that it is an important decision, and help them to learn some of the things you know from Farm Fusion class!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Bunny Workshop : Things to do by 4/23

 Writing Assignment
Here are three of our kits!
  • Write a story about a rabbit family.  In your story, include things that you learned from class!

 Here are some websites to learn more information about rabbits!

Some people think bunnies just sit in a cage all day.  Well, here is a video that shows how much activity a bunny can have in a large enough enclosure... and with some toys to play with!

Now, enjoy some videos of our doe, Honey, as she shows off her moves!  (Yes, I am in my pajamas.) 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Things to do by 3/19!

 Writing Assignment- 

  • For this week, write me any story that involves a chick hatching out of an egg!  Use your imaginations!  

Here are pictures of the newborn rabbits!

If anyone would like to learn more about grading eggs, here is an "eggcelent" link!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Things to do by 3/12!

Here is a video of a chicken egg at Day 8 of development.  We will candle our eggs next week, on day 14!

 Writing Assignment- 
  • In our first class today, more than half of the students did not have their writing assignment.  No, we don't grade.  But, sharing this particular assignment is a part of our class time.  Not having it puts a halt to the flow of the day, and the enthusiasm/support that I am trying to create in the class!
  • In class, we read the book "Interrupting Chicken".  Think of times when you have interrupted others.  Write about it!  You can write a story, or just write about why it is important to learn not to interrupt. 

Here is an option worksheet on egg structure and one on day 10 embryo development for the older kids. 

Parents, use them if you'd like!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Chicken Workshop Day 1

Review the story that we read in class, "The Little Red Hen".

Complete the worksheet about the story (It was given out in class).-  optional

In class, we talked about friendship, helping, forgiveness, and other ideas from the story.  Think of a way that you could change the story of The Little Red Hen.  Write your own version.  Don't forget to put it in your notebook for class next week!

Websites with great information!
KiddyHouse - All About Chickens
Easy Science For Kids- All About Chickens
History of Chickens

Count your chickens (counting, for young students)
Apples and Eggs
Find the Perimeter of the Coops (advanced)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Valentine's Party Sign Up!

Send me an email and let me know what you'd like to bring.  When someone "signs up", I will add their item to the lists below to avoid duplicates!


(**Also, please contact me if you have outstanding calendars or money, ASAP!**)

Morning Group
  •  Fruit
  • pretzels, plates and cups 
  • cupcakes 
  • pigs in blankets
  • napkins and cheese 
  • juice boxes

Afternoon Group
  •  pretzels
  • fruit 
  • ham pinwheels 
  • drinks, plates, and cut up carrots  
  • pigs in blankets