Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Things to do by 3/19!

 Writing Assignment- 

  • For this week, write me any story that involves a chick hatching out of an egg!  Use your imaginations!  

Here are pictures of the newborn rabbits!

If anyone would like to learn more about grading eggs, here is an "eggcelent" link!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Things to do by 3/12!

Here is a video of a chicken egg at Day 8 of development.  We will candle our eggs next week, on day 14!

 Writing Assignment- 
  • In our first class today, more than half of the students did not have their writing assignment.  No, we don't grade.  But, sharing this particular assignment is a part of our class time.  Not having it puts a halt to the flow of the day, and the enthusiasm/support that I am trying to create in the class!
  • In class, we read the book "Interrupting Chicken".  Think of times when you have interrupted others.  Write about it!  You can write a story, or just write about why it is important to learn not to interrupt. 

Here is an option worksheet on egg structure and one on day 10 embryo development for the older kids. 

Parents, use them if you'd like!