Monday, May 11, 2015

For 5/13

The kids already had this week's writing assignment, but just in case they forgot....

Write your own story about magic beans!  Don't rewrite Jack and the Beanstalk.  Come up with your own special story.  It just has to include magic beans in any way you'd like!

  • Bring in registration forms and payment for workshop #1 to hold your spot for next year's class.

  • On our last day of class, we will have a extra fun snack-time "party". Feel free to bring in a snack, treat, dessert, or food to share with the class!   This is low stress.  Just drop of something to share and we'll have a fun-filled snack/lunchtime!   (I'll have cups, plates, and napkins, but if someone could bring in drinks and ice, that would be great! Just let me know if you'd like to do that and I'll let the other parents know it's covered!)